Topic : Abstract
: marketplace-membership : One
Tags : woman
author_user_id : 78310491
isFree : none
isLastAdded : 1
Name of the template : Video footage on a black background captures sound waves emanating from the mouth of a human face.
Short description : Immerse yourself in a captivating visual experience as video footage, set against a profound black background, intricately captures the dance of sound waves emanating from the human mouth. This mesmerizing portrayal invites exploration into the dynamic intersection of visual aesthetics and the expressive artistry of vocalization.
Resolution : 4K
videoFile : Main Track Length : 0:10
Video Files Included : Video Files
Excerpt : Mesmerizing black-background video unveils sound waves flowing from a human face, a captivating visual and auditory spectacle.
product Family : None
Types : Stock Video ;