: marketplace-membership : One
Tags : into the multiverse
Video Type : : Intros & Openers
author_user_id : 17804988
isFree : none
isLastAdded : 1
Name of the template : Multiverse Glitch Logo Reveal - Motion Graphics Template
Short description : 89: Experience a burst of creativity with our captivating Multiverse Glitch Logo Reveal template. The rush of speed lines, colorful dots, and rotating sunburst-like shapes will grab your audience's attention. Your logo reveals itself with glitch effects and color changes, symbolizing growth and transformation.
You can easily change the logo and text with just a few clicks. You don’t need any advanced knowledge in order to use this template. Also, a video tutorial is included. Customize this template by changing your logo, choosing your colors, and including your tagline.
Whether used as an intro or a standalone video, this versatile template will leave a lasting impact and showcase your brand in a unique and memorable way.
- 100% Adobe Premiere Pro
- No Plugin is required.
- Adobe Premiere Pro V15.4.0 and above
- Well Organized
- 01 Text Placeholder
- 01 Media Placeholder
- Duration: 08 Sec
- Fully and easily Customize
- Fast Rendering
- Tutorial Included
- Sound is not included.
Note: Don’t forget to extract the zip file before opening the project file.
- For correct work with the essential graphics template, you will need Premiere Pro version (2021 15.4.0 or any above Version)
Resolution : 4K
videoFile :
Main Track Length : 0:08
Video Files Included : : Motion Graphics Template Files
Excerpt : 3: Experience a burst of creativity with our captivating Multiverse Glitch Logo Reveal. Customize this template by changing your logo, tagline and choosing your colors
product Family : None
Types : : Motion Graphics Templates ;