Topic : : Design & Photography
: marketplace-membership : One
Tags : nft gaming
author_user_id : 76565683
isFree : none
isLastAdded : 1
Name of the template : NFTs Landing Page Template in Figma
: Preview screens or video URLs : 7: 
Short description : 77: 1. Introduction
NFTBAZAR – NFT Portfolio Template for Blockchain NFT, Collectibles, Crypto, Crypto Art, Crypto Asset, Crypto art, Digital, and many many more. Use the template to create an online marketplace. Buy, sell, trade, and auction items in the NFT game easily. Cybex is Designed specifically for the NFT game item market. This theme offers various personalization options to help you give the look you require on your website. It is very easy to navigate and fits various screen sizes. If you like my templates, please rate them 5 stars. It’s very useful for me.
2. Figma Browser Requirements These layered Figma files are compatible with Figma Desktop App version 93.4 and later.
3. Features
- 1 page in the Figma file.
- Landing Page UI in the UI Pages.
- Easy to edit and customize.
- Super Clear and Clean Layout.
- Professional and Creative Design.
- Every page is fully layered and organized with proper names.
- The strange interface is streamlined and impressive.
- Pixel Perfect.
- Fully Customizable.
- Free Google Fonts.
- Retina Ready.
- Free Font Based Icons.
- And many more…
5. Fonts used
6. Credits & Resource
advImage : 
Graphics Type : Vector
Compatibility : Figma
Files Included : FIG
Excerpt : 1: - NFTBAZAR – NFT Portfolio Template for Blockchain NFT, Collectibles, Crypto, Crypto Art, Crypto Asset, Crypto art, Digital, and many more.
product Family : None
template-icon : icon-ui
Types : UI Elements ;