Topic : Business Coach
: marketplace-membership : One
Tags : html
Features : : Search Engine Friendly
author_user_id : 78283934
Bootstrap Version : 5.3.x
image-key-features : 
isFree : none
isLastAdded : 1
livePreviewURL : :
Name of the template : Maha – Creative Agency & Portfolio HTML5 Template
Short description : Maha – Creative Agency & Portfolio HTML5 Template
Introducing Maha – Creative Agency & Portfolio HTML5 Template meticulously crafted for a diverse range of professionals. Whether you're a creative agency, lawyer, engineer, freelancer, content writer, instructor, politician, construction company, startup, architect, corporate entity, artist, or simply an individual with a creative endeavor, Maha is the perfect fit for you.
The code base is thoroughly commented and thoughtfully organized, ensuring ease of use and customization. Every aspect is carefully explained within the code, making it user-friendly even for those without extensive coding knowledge.
Moreover, Maha boasts 100% responsiveness, providing a seamless and visually appealing experience across all devices – be it laptops, tablets, or mobiles. Its clean design exudes professionalism and style, making it an ideal choice for any kind of business or personal website. Embrace the power of Maha and elevate your online presence today!
Key Features
- Modern and Elegant Design
- Based on Bootstrap 5
- HTML5, CSS3, jQuery
- Easy to Customize
- Valid HTML5
- SEO Optimized
- RTL(Right to Left) Ready
- Tested with Arabic Fonts
- Google Fonts
- Well Commented Files
- Well Documentation
- Cross-Browser Compatibility
Images,Fonts, Animations & Video Credits
Important Notices
- Please be aware that all images used in the template demo are for preview purposes only. These images are not included in the HTML template files and will not be included in the final purchase.
- Please note that all content used in this template, including text and images, is for demonstration purposes only. The purpose of this content is to showcase the template's design and layout capabilities.
- Furthermore, the Arabic translation provided in the template was generated using Google Translate for font testing purposes. It may not be accurate or suitable for actual use in a live website or application.
advImage : 
Images included : No
Excerpt : 5: HTML5 Template, crafted for a diverse range of professionals. Whether you're a creative agency, lawyer, engineer, freelancer, startup or individual, Maha is the perfect fit for you.
product Family : None
template-icon : icon-monster_dark
Types : : HTML Website Templates ;