Topic : Abstract
: marketplace-membership : One
Tags : shiney
Video Type : : Intros & Openers
author_user_id : 39035230
image-key-features :
isFree : none
isLastAdded : 1
Name of the template : 3D Simple Reflective Title - MOGRT
Short description : 3D Simple Reflective Title this is an incredible Motion Graphics template that you can use to reveal your title. It uses a stunning combination of effects. It contains a detailed video tutorial. A stylish introduction to your presentations, slideshows, TV shows, commercials, promotions, events, Facebook and YouTube videos. Impress your audience with this professionally designed and animated MOGRT template. Music not included.
Resolution : 4K
advImage :
videoFile :
Main Track Length : 0:07
Video Files Included : : Motion Graphics Template Files
: Premiere Pro Software Version : Premiere Pro CC
Excerpt : 3D Simple Reflective Title this is an incredible Motion Graphics template that you can use to reveal your title. It uses a stunning combination of effects. It contains a detailed video tutorial.
product Family : None
Types : : Premiere Pro Templates ;