Topic : : Home & Family
: marketplace-membership : One
Tags : tree
Features : Website Builder
author_user_id : 78109035
image-key-features :
isFree : none
isLastAdded : 1
livePreviewURL :
Name of the template : Inward Planner - Interior Designing Company
: Preview screens or video URLs :
Short description : Inward Planning is an interior design-based theme. It is primarily designed to serve interior design enthusiasts. This theme contains a total of 8 HTML files. Inward Planning is a modern quality interior design company. Which tries to make your life more beautiful. Which basically makes the customer's lifestyle more beautiful.
This file is mainly composed of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. 100% responsive. Here are some interactions that attract customers. Here are some scroll effects that make the website more attractive. Fits well on every device. You can use it for any type of business (especially Interior Design, Design Studio, Interior & Furniture Garden Design Exterior Design). Well-aligned and has very clean code quality. Hope you will love it.
- 100% Responsive
- 8 HTML Files
- Clean, Modern, and Crisp Design
- Cross-browser compatible
- W3C validated code
- CSS3 animations
- jQuery animations
- Easy customization
- Well Documentation
- Friendly support
- scroll animations
And Much More...
advImage :
Images included : No
product Family : None
template-icon : icon-monster_dark
Types : : HTML Website Templates ;