Topic : Weapon
: marketplace-membership : One
Tags : pop up
author_user_id : 78074376
isFree : none
isLastAdded : 1
Name of the template : : Arrow Hits (Sound Effects Set)
Short description : Sound design for an arrow hitting its target, 8 takes available.
All sounds have got a cartoon like style, making them suitable for animations, app designs, games, notification sounds et cetera.
NOTE: The downloadable ZIP contains all the sounds, separated into individual WAV files for ease of use.
Item 1: 0:01 Item 0:01 Item 3: 0:02 Item 4: 0:01 Item 5: 0:01 Item 6: 0:01 Item 7: 0:01 Item 8: 0:01
audioFile :
Audio Files Included : WAV
Main Track Length : 0:22
Excerpt : 5: Sound design for an arrow hitting its target, 8 takes available.
All sounds have got a cartoon like style, making them suitable for animations, app designs, games, notification sounds...
product Family : None
Types : Sound Effects ;