Topic : Transitions
: marketplace-membership : One
Tags : : halloween trick to party
Video Type : : Intros & Openers
author_user_id : 27520473
image-key-features :
isFree : none
isLastAdded : 1
Name of the template : Halloween Trick to Party Promo- After Effects Templates
Short description : Halloween Party Promo is a mysterious and haunting After Effects template. This project is absolutely perfect for Halloween. A grungy and cool designed slideshow with a dark and creepy atmosphere, sinister-looking titles animations, and spooky transitioning effects. This template contains 15 editable text layers and 15 image/video placeholders and 1 logo placeholder. Create a hair raising intro for your horror films, party promo and social media video, promotions, and upcoming events. Available in HD.
Resolution : HD (1080)
advImage :
videoFile :
Main Track Length : 0:29
: After Effects Version : After Effects CC
Video Files Included : Disign Files
product Family : None
Types : : After Effects Templates ;