Topic : Overlays
: marketplace-membership : One
Tags : : transparent background
author_user_id : 955065
isFree : none
isLastAdded : 1
Name of the template : 3D Buttons Subscribe Like Notify Bell 4k Transparent background
Short description : A subscriber is known as fan or follower of a certain channel or content creator. When a user subscribes to a channel, it would mean that they grant permission for receiving updates for whenever a YouTube channel uploads, and can access this on their subscription feed on the site. Most times, an individual would subscribe to a channel regardless of whether they're a fan or not and would simply want to be updated on what the YouTuber has been uploading. Regardless, subscriptions increase the popularity of a channel.
Resolution : 4K
videoFile :
Main Track Length : 0:08
Video Files Included : Video Files
product Family : None
Types : : Stock Motion Graphics ;