Topic : Electronica
: marketplace-membership : One
Tags : vaporwave
author_user_id : 51348856
isFree : none
isLastAdded : 1
Name of the template : Over The Horizon - Cinematic Synthwave Trailer Stock Music
Short description : Cinematic Synthwave Trailer is a remarkable royalty free music track done in the style of synthwave with a little influence of dub-step and breakbeat! You can hear it designed in the best traditions of raw synth music of the late 80s, which is able to easily tune to the desired atmosphere of your sci-fi movies, video games, documentaries, animations, landscapes and nature projects, promos and presentations, vlogs, podcasts, you tube contents and others. Its alluring and dreamy vibe will help you share your wonderful visions and stories just like that! Have fun with this one!
There are 2 versions of the track. The second version - with an additional track of synthesizer pad-noise, in case you need a more raw and dirty sound of this track.
Enjoy it!
Tempo (BPM) : : Upbeat (110 - 140 BPM)
audioFile :
Vocals : : Instrumental Included
Audio Files Included : WAV
Main Track Length : 1:30, 1:30
Excerpt : Cinematic Synthwave Trailer is a remarkable royalty free music track done in the style of synthwave with a little influence of dub-step and breakbeat!
product Family : None
template-icon : icon-monster_dark
Types : Stock Music ;