Topic : : Computers & Internet
: marketplace-membership : One
Tags : windows applications
Features : Static
author_user_id : 16230833
Bootstrap Version : 5.x
image-key-features : 8:
isFree : none
isLastAdded : 1
livePreviewURL :
Name of the template : Sassbee - Apps, Software, Domain Hosting HTML Template
: Preview screens or video URLs :
Short description : Sassbee is a multipurpose sass landing HTML template. It is fit for any kind of IT template. Sassbee is very special for those companies who want to provide software-related services and launch a website for displaying sass, software, and applications. This template helps to create a fast-loading website for software businesses. It has five homepage layouts which are really very essential for a business starter. You can choose your expected homepage for launching your website. In addition, 29+ inner pages will give you extra facilities to show more information about your services. Sassbee's shop page will help you to sell your services from your website also. If someone wants to convert it into other technology like Laravel, Magento, Joomla, or WordPress, this template is very suitable for converting. Sassbee is created with the latest version of Bootstrap that will help you to make your website 100% compatible with any device.
advImage :
Images included : Yes
Excerpt : Sassbee is very special for those companies who want to provide software-related services and launch a website for displaying sass, software, and applications.
product Family : None
template-icon : icon-monster_dark
Types : : HTML Website Templates ;