Topic : : Business & Services
: marketplace-membership : One
Tags : corporate business presentation
Features : Premium
author_user_id : 1635272
isFree : none
isLastAdded : 1
lastmod : : 2021-09-13T01:0 19-04:00
Name of the template : Viatrix - Professional Corporate Business Presentation
: Preview screens or video URLs : 6: 
Short description : 79: Professionalism is needed in giving and delivering a business presentation. Especially if you are dealing with important prospective clients or board directors that will determine the future of your company, no mistake should be made if you want your business a success. Make an impressive corporate business presentation to your prospective clients, partners, customers and board director using Viatrix, a black and white professional corporate business presentation template. This template is perfect for your company, corporate, start-up, entrepreneur, professional or any business you manage.
This template has a bold and firm statement given by the monochromatic color as the slide background that can help you convince the audience of your presentation. It also has a unique baby blue accent that can be your company identification. Put the necessary information to share with the audience in the well-organized layout and proportional slide. You can share about your company history or journey, services and products, team, and more. It makes this template suitable not only for business presentations but also for company profiles, marketing kits, project proposals, and more.
Viatrix provides you with 10 unique template designs, available in PPT and PPTX format files. You can edit the text, image, and color on the template using Microsoft PowerPoint or any other compatible application on your device to be more like your preferences or needs.
Help documentation in a PDF file is included in the package to assist you in editing the template. But, if you find any difficulties or issues that Help cannot cover, or you have any questions and inquiries regarding this product, you are always welcome to contact our support team at any time of your convenience.
Details of what you get:
- PPTX file
- PPT file
- 1 Help documentation
- 10 unique slides
- PPT and PPTX
- Based on Master slide
- Easy to edit text and colors
- Use free fonts from Google Fonts
- Support Microsoft PowerPoint
- 16:9 Wide screen ratio
- Picture Placeholder
- All graphics re-sizable and editable
advImage : 
Images included : No
product Family : None
template-icon : icon-powerpoint
Types : PowerPoint Templates ;