Sujet : : Business & Services
: marketplace-membership : One
Tags : infographic
Caractéristiques : Team Members
author_user_id : 1861569
image-key-features : 8: width=890>
lastmod : : 2020-07-24T03:47:33-04:00
Nom du template : Social Media User - Keynote template
: Preview screens or video URLs : 8: width=890>
Description : Social Media User Keynote Presentation Template provide 94 unique slides a wide set of editable social media icons, social sharing buttons, devices and tech visualization. The PowerPoint slides are composed of social media marketing report on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google + and other social network platforms. and available in 7 different color schemes, making it a total of 1316 slides. and free fonts as well.
Key Caractéristiques :
- 94 different slides, Simple
- 1316 Total Slides
- 100% editable and easy to modify
- 2 Aspect Ratio (16:9 & 4:3 )
- 7 Premade colors
- Just One Click for change the colors and auto recolored
- Free Fonts and Icons
- All objects are vector and smart objects
- 4000+ Icons! easily change size & color
Slides Content :
- Social Media
- Social Media Marketing
- Marketing Experts
- Social Advertising
- Social Media Reach
- Social Media Analytics
- Attract Advertisers
- Link Clicks
- Total Engagements
- Total Impressions
- Activity Overview
- Overview - Social Media
- Management team
- Active Users
- Facebook App Economy
- Number Of Users
- Social Media Followers
- Website Analysis
- From what device?
- Traffic Analysis
- Traffic Types
- Website Traffic Analysis
- Web Analytics Process
- Online Presence
- Audience Growth
- Checklists Diagrams
- Relationship Infographic
- Information Chart
- Marketing
- Timelines Infographic
- Infographics Slides
- Mock-ups Slides
- Portfolio Slides
- Maps Infographic
- Break Section Slides
- Handmade Infographic
- Data charts (Editable via Excel))
- Many layouts options
ExcludeExclusive : Yes
advImage : 
isFree : none
Famille de produit : None
template-icon : icon-keynote
Types : Keynote Templates ;