Sujet : Graphics
: marketplace-membership : One
Tags : e-commerce
author_user_id : 1635272
lastmod : : 2020-07-24T03:50:36-04:00
Nom du template : Klambi e-Commerce Fashion PSD Template
: Preview screens or video URLs : width=890>
Description : Klambi modern fashion template for fashion store and fashion enthusiast. It’s modern and minimalist design puts your products in focus. Easy to custom, Well Layered and properly named. Klambi is modern and fresh design template for selling fashion products online. This template including product lists and details pages, special offer popups and landing pages, promo codes, different types of menus and layouts. Beautiful and unique checkout pages. It’s completed theme and ready for you to start selling bags, clothes, jewellery, shoes and other popular fashion produce.
advImage : 
isFree : none
Famille de produit : None
template-icon : icon-psd
Types : PSD Templates ;