Sujet : : Business & Services
: marketplace-membership : One
Tags : pptx
author_user_id : 2015527
image-key-features : 69: 
lastmod : : 2021-11-08T14:15:18-05:00
Nom du template : 2020 Multipurpose Pitch Deck [Version 4] PowerPoint template
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review_average_score : 5
PowerPoint All version(We Prefer PowerPoint 2018).
Need to make the Story? Fast and easy? With low budget? You've found it!
2019 Multipurpose Pitch Deck
2019 Pitch Deck PowerPoint Presentation [version 3] is a trendy and modern presentation template that takes all of the work out of creative presentations. It includes light and dark variations and drag-and-drop placeholders ready for your customization.
The color scheme used is of a Modern and Fresh! type but can be changed to anything to match your design preference.
Grab these best Multipurpose Pitch Deck! with 608 Stunning Slides to help you to get your design projects ready in minutes.
Used Logo:
Exclusive Caractéristiques
•100,000 Total Slides
•16:9 Aspect Ratio
•1000+ Creative Unique Slides
•70+ Color Themes
•3000+ Vector Icons
•Dark Version Included
•All Graphic Re-sizable and Editable
•Fully Editable (All Icons, Elements and Info-graphics as Vectors)
•Pictures Placeholder Ready
•Free Fonts used
•Fully Animated Slides
•Free Updates
•Free Fast Support
•InfoGraphics (Included in presentation)
•Mockup Devices (Included in presentation)
•Stock Photos are not included
If you love it, remember to FOLLOW ME so you'll be notified about my updates on new product launches! If you have any questions regarding this or anything, just hit me with a message and let's have a virtual cup of coffee to discus )
ExcludeExclusive : Yes
advImage : 
isFree : none
Famille de produit : None
template-icon : icon-powerpoint
Types : PowerPoint Templates ;