Sujet : : Business & Services
: marketplace-membership : One
Tags : infographics
author_user_id : 1728023
image-key-features : 76: width=890>
lastmod : : 2020-07-24T05:33:15-04:00
Nom du template : : Eveta - PowerPoint template
Description : Eveta PowerPoint Presentation Template
Clean designs to present your information in a professional format Eveta PowerPoint Presentation has everything you need to start build your professional Presentation.
With this Template you’ll make a professional Presentation in half the time, as it is completely customizable, with several easy-to-use page layouts and graphic files, if you’re looking for a perfect Presentation you’re going to love this one.
434 Unique slides designed by professionals that you can easily edit, All objects are vectors and they are fully editable, all icons used are smart object and vector which means you can easily change their size and colors to any size you want without losing resolution.
- 434 Unique Slides
- 2 Aspect Ratio (4:3 & 16:9)
- 90 Theme colors
- 3000+ Icons! easily change size & color
- Modern layouts Based on Master Slides
- All Graphic Re-sizable and Editable in PowerPoint
- Easy Drag and Drop to change picture
- Help File including Links of Fonts
- Just One Click for change the colors and auto recolored
- Free Fonts and Icons
- Easily and Fully Editable
- Delete and add new slide easy
- Free Fast Support
Icon Library Content:
- Travel Icons
- Ecology Icons
- Architecture Icons
- Law Icons
- weather Icons
- Fashion Icons
- Education Icons
- Business Icons
- Management Icons
- Electricity Icons
- Ecological Icons
- Medical Icons
- Calendar Icons
- Charity Icons
- Fitness Icons
- Petroleum Icons
- Gymnast Icons
- Miscellaneous Icons
- Constructions Icons
- Multimedia Icons
- Hospital Icons
- Office Icons
- Real Estate Icons
- Data analytics Icons
- Enterprise Icons
- Logistics Icons
- Network Icons
- Online Marketing Icons
- Human organs Icons
- Energy Icons
- Photography Icons
- Communication Icons
- Medical situations Icons
- Ecommerce Icons
- Interaction Icons
- Social Media Icons
- Web Design Icons
- Food Icons
- Investments Icons
ExcludeExclusive : Yes
advImage : 
isFree : none
Famille de produit : None
template-icon : icon-powerpoint
Types : PowerPoint Templates ;