Sujet : : Fashion & Beauty
: marketplace-membership : One
Tags : shopify
: Theme Architecture Version : Vintage
Caractéristiques : Retina Ready
author_user_id : 1768190
image-key-features : ;s:70 
isFree : none
Language support : German
lastmod : : 2021-12-15T11:37:37-05:00
livePreviewURL :
Nom du template : ;s:4 Mr Beard - Brutal Barbershop Shopify Theme
Description : Combining a business offering some service with an online store is a profitable idea. If you have a barbershop and know what instruments are really good - why shouldn't you sell them? The Mr Beard Shopify template is built specially to fulfill such an idea. First of all - its design is created by professionals to match the men's club style, it is brutal, contrasting and elegant. The top half of the homepage is dedicated to the barbershop itself and shows attractive photos of the process. After that goes the shop module, where you can place the haircut supplies you want to sell. Perfect placing!
Web Forms : Search Form
Images incluses : Yes
Famille de produit : None
template-icon : icon-shopify
Types : Shopify Themes ;