Sujet : : Society & People
: marketplace-membership : One
Tags : workroom
author_user_id : 1609013
lastmod : : 2022-03-20T03:03:05-04:00
Nom du template : Human Emotions Illustrative PowerPoint template
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Description : Human Emotions Illustrative PowerPoint Template
Our Inspiration Humans are governed by emotions. Emotions – some happy and some tense; some exciting and some grim. Emotions play a pivotal role in our behavior and our actions too. But every emotion has its beauty; every emotion has its significance.
As a presenter, when we include such priceless emotions in the presentation, it adds value, it adds soul to the presentation. These emotions help the audience to get engaged and feel connected to the presenter, thus making the presentation a truly memorable one.
Product Introduction
Human Emotions Illustrative PowerPoint Template has a lot of characters which can be used in presentations for marketing, education, storytelling, corporate communication or explaining some universal concepts.
This template contains manifestation of life with various emotions and activities such as discussion at office, leisure over coffee, Office presentation, roaming, shopping, with kids in park, romancing, getting ready and rushing for office or meeting, different gestures while enjoying movie, teaching kids in kitchen, texting, cycling, expressing your love and affection for someone, playing various games, and shopping.
Presenters can use these excellent pieces to show various human emotions and peoples’ engagement in diverse activities to create a powerful impact on the audience.
Technical Caractéristiques
- 110+ Unique Slides
- .PPTX File
- Full Editable
- High Resolution
- Flat Soothing Colors
- Vector Graphics
- Print Friendly
- Free Fonts Used
- Help Document
- Works on MS office versions 2010, 2013, O365, 2016, 2018
- 120+ Icons Included
- Granular Grouping
- Non-Animated Slides
- 16:9 Screen Ratio
- 24x7 Support Service
- Retina display Friendly
- Mobile Editable
- Master Template Based
- Custom branding Possible
- Flat & Vibrant Color Scheme
- Locked Aspect Ratios for easy scaling
- Change color with a single click
- Modify screen ratio without loss of quality
- Easy Font change
Product Applications across multiple fields
- Industry - Marketing, Education, Corporate Communication, Digital Marketing, Content Strategy, Story-telling
- Use Cases - Social Media Posts, E-Book Making, Blog Writing, Life Story Presentation, WhatsApp Creative, User Story, Persona Definition, Investor Pitch, Webinar, Corporate Profile, Sales & Marketing Decks
- An Ideal Product for - Bloggers, Writers, Marketers, Communication Consultants, Brand Managers, Students, Managers, Creative Directors, Graphic Designers, Illustration Artists, Entrepreneurs, Founders
Advantages of Human Emotions Illustrative PowerPoint Template
- High Value, meager cost
- Unconventional design
- 51 Custom illustrations for each mood
- Make professional deck within minutes
- Present like a professional for high impact presentation
- Basic knowledge of PowerPoint is sufficient
- High precision & accurate designs
- Free Sample Slides included
- Priority support On Call, Email, Chat, Skype, TeamViewer
- Customization Possible at a low additional fee
- Buy once, use number of times
“I used few slides of this product Human Emotions Illustrative PowerPoint Template in my official presentation “Life of a Self Sufficient Woman” on International Women’s day and got widely appreciated for my content as well graphics used from this template. Thanks.” ~~ Aakansha Adorethy
ExcludeExclusive : Yes
advImage : 
isFree : none
Famille de produit : None
template-icon : icon-powerpoint
Types : PowerPoint Templates ;