Sujet : Holidays, Gifts & Flowers : marketplace-membership : One Tags : warehouse author_user_id : 1609013 lastmod : : 2020-08-06T07:49:13-04:00 Nom du template : Visual Business- PowerPoint template : Preview screens or video URLs : https://tmuploader.s3.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/1609013-1530942682161_1.jpg width=890>
Description : ;s:310 Based on our experience in closely working with prestigious brands like Microsoft, Samsung, DELL and many other, we eloquently understand the need of PowerPoint Presenters and their tedious efforts in making a presentation which can woo the audience of high value. To remove the pain points of investing valuable resources and give power to those who wish to make their presentations visually appealing, we have developed a customized Visual Business PowerPoint Template which is a collection of graphics, infographics. These elements are easily editable and will be of enormous help to those who need to prepare beautiful presentations as per changing needs. Our latest Visual Business PowerPoint Template provide 100 customized, beautifully crafted graphical slides on the diverse topics, such as:-
- Marketing- PPC, Portfolio, PPC, Video Marketing, Payment Method, Startup, Product List, Report, Sale
- Business- Investment, Business Planning, Strategy, Processes, M-Commerce, Startup
- Business Units- Airport, School, Museum, Chemist, Supermarket, Bank, etc.
- Office- Office Support, Technical Support, Engineering,
- Social Infrastructure- Police Station, Coffee Shop, Fire Station, Book Shop, Bakery, Church.
- Study- Biology, Astronomy, Books, Agriculture, Geography, Sports, Maths, Study hard, etc.
- Multi-Vertical Designs- Print Design, Web Design, Design Idea, Design Research, Coding, Graphic Design, UI elements, Branding Design, Illustration, Package Design to name a few.
- Brainstorming and Time Management- Time Management, Targeting, Time is Money, Creative Idea, Brainstorming, etc.
- Space and Solar System- Solar System, Space Journey, Satellite, Space tourism, Rocket Launch, etc.
An elementary level PowerPoint editing skill is more than sufficient to get the maximum from this template. This deck will help you express your message creatively and professionally. Moreover, you can use these templates number of times in various presentations. ExcludeExclusive : Yes advImage :  isFree : none Famille de produit : None template-icon : icon-powerpoint Types : PowerPoint Templates ; |