Sujet : : Computers & Internet
: marketplace-membership : One
Tags : infographic
author_user_id : 1425144
image-key-features : 1: width=890>
lastmod : : 2020-12-02T01:06:56-05:00
Nom du template : Marketing Plan 2.0 PowerPoint template
: Preview screens or video URLs : width=890>
Description : Professional Template for create Marketing Plan:
- 30+ Unique Slides (.PPTX)
- 10 pre-made color (.XML files, 2 click to change or customization)
- White & Dark background versions (pre-made files)
- Ready to prent
- Retina ready
- Professional slides
- Devices mockup (with drag & drop to change screen)
- Image placeholder
- Editable icons set!
- Page animation (Effective. Not over-animated)
- Drag & drop to change image
- Free font Open Sans (Google)
Content Slides:
- Infographic
- Data Charts (Excel & Vector)
- Team Work
- Image & Contents
- US Maps
- Price Table
- Mock Ups
- Marketing Elements
- And more
The presentation serves as an image maker for any speaker. The success of your speech depends on the way you organize information, the quality of your visual aid. If the presentation has defects or loses quality, this can spoil the impression from the whole speech. That is why it is important to properly choose a premade template. This PowerPoints free download template is of excellent quality. In our turn, we guarantee you safe work without unexpected trouble and nasty problems.
Printable slides. All these slide are ready for printing. It is convenient to make the handouts of the presentation, put them into the folder and hand out to all members before the speech.
An excellent visualization tool. No presentation is made without visual elements. It is obvious that if your visual aid includes only text information, your audience will quickly fall asleep, get bored, or lose interest. As a result, your speech will go unnoticed and your idea and message won't be remembered. Various visualization tools that include charts, images, diagrams, tables, mockups, clip art, etc. are obligatory for any presentation. Their purpose is to not only diversify your presentation and add vividness to PowerPoint report, but also display complex or boring information in an attractive way. It is a well-known fact that visualized information is better perceived. Your audience will be interested in your speech.
ExcludeExclusive : Yes
advImage : 
isFree : none
Famille de produit : None
template-icon : icon-powerpoint
Types : PowerPoint Templates ;