Sujet : Career & Special Education Tags : woman Caractéristiques : JQuery author_user_id : 1768190 Bootstrap Version : 2.3.1 Demo No Index : AR Gallery Script : Isotope image-description :  image-key-features : ;s:15 
isFree : template Joomla! Modules : Komento joomla-engine : 3.9 Kind of shops : The theme can be used for online fashion design, cosmetics, and beauty companies. lastmod : : 2020-06-12T07:59:58-04:00 Layout : 2 columns livePreviewURL : ;s:6 Nom du template : Great Hair - Hair Salon Stylish Joomla Template Description : The field of your company's interests greatly influences its design. A fashion enterprise should look trendy and stylish online. Our designers tried their best to make the theme look absolutely inimitable. Black layouts with large fonts always look very classy and magnetic. Bright highresolution photos seem really beautiful over the dark background. Isn't that exactly what you need for your company? : Short Description Heading : Need new clients for your hairstyle studio? Then we know how to help you. All you need is a bright and well-developed website. It is important to have a website because most the clients start their search for a good hair stylist online. And Great Hair Joomla theme includes many features that allow you to present your services in the most preferable way. It is bright and stylish. Designers made it with care for every detail. And you can edit this theme to boost your client base. You can blog about the latest news and services. Moreover, it will be your portfolio. You can use it to present your previous projects to advertise yourself. It also has social options, google maps and many other useful features. Great Hair also allows customers to create an account. Types : Joomla Templates Web Forms : Search Form width : 1300px Installation : ;s:8 Installation and set up instructions are attached (look for Documentation folder). Famille de produit : None template-icon : icon-joomla ; |