Sujet : Building Materials
: marketplace-membership : One
Tags : technology
Caractéristiques : Website Builder
author_user_id : 17045118
Bootstrap Version : 5.x
isFree : none
isLastAdded : 1
livePreviewURL :
Nom du template : ;s:6 Build - Construction & Architecture HTML Template.
Description : 16: Build is a contemporary HTML5 template created especially for companies involved in building, repair, manufacturing, engineering, handyman, architecture, interior design, and development. The theme has an attractive and user-friendly design that is simple to use and well-maintained. Your website will appear fantastic on all devices thanks to the layout, which is totally device-friendly. include computers, tablets, cellphones, and laptops. You may quickly alter the layout, image, colors, and fonts to match your brand and style because Build is fully configurable.
The Construction HTML5 Template is responsive and built with Bootstrap 5x. This place has all modern, long-lasting technology. Along with having new coding, Modern Build is adaptable and adjustable. Every file and piece of code has been neatly arranged and thoughtfully annotated to make customization simple. Develop Software.
- 20+ HTML Files
- Latest Bootstrap Framework
- W3C Valid HTML5 / CSS3
- Modern Design
- Ultra Responsive Layout
- Awesome Unique Look
- Cross Browser Compatibilité: Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera and IE
- Working PHP Contact Form
- Google Location Map
- Browsers Compatible
- Google font
- Well Documented & More…
advImage : 
Images incluses : No
Extrait : Build is a contemporary HTML5 template created especially for companies involved in building, repair, manufacturing, engineering, handyman, architecture, interior design, and development.
Famille de produit : None
template-icon : icon-monster_dark
Types : : HTML Website Templates ;