Sujet : Development
Tags : education game
author_user_id : 78138661
isFree : none
isLastAdded : 1
livePreviewURL : :
Nom du template : Javascript Discover Photo Type Game
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Description : Discover the type of image game is a game that was designed and developed using web technologies html, css, javascript. The idea of the game is based on trying to discover the type of image by clicking with the left mouse button on the squares that cover parts of the image in the least number of steps and then choosing the type from 6 types available, types. The game is suitable. For educational purposes for young age groups, the game design is characterized by its game design compatibility with all tablet and mobile screens.
advImage : 
Extrait : Discover the type of photo is game designed and developed using html, css, javascript and suitable for educational purposes
Famille de produit : None
template-icon : icon-js
Types : JavaScript ;