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Kit graphique 369805 Info:
Référence:   369805
Type: Site Web Responsive
Auteur: Softivus
Date de Création: 2023-11-03
Téléchargements: 0

Sources disponibles:

Logiciels requis:
Présent dans les catégories:
Styles: Divers Modèles Web

Prix:   46.00€   Prix Exclusif : 1934.00€

Rechercher des Templates sur les mots clés :
academy cours éducation éducation template eapprendre apprendre apprendre management systeme enseignement entrainement entrainement centre

Logo template Preview
Kit Graphique #369805 Academy Cours Divers Modèles Web - Logo template Preview


Sujet : : Education & Books
: marketplace-membership : One
Tags : lms
Caractéristiques : Tabs
author_user_id : 78086583
isFree : none
isLastAdded : 1
livePreviewURL :

Nom du template : Elearning - E-learning, Education, LMS, and Online Course react Next JS Website Template
Description :

Create a modern and responsive E-Learning, Education, LMS (Learning Management System), and Online Course website using this versatile template built with Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and TypeScript. This template includes a set of essential libraries and components to kickstart your project. Incorporating the latest technologies, it provides a seamless user experience for both students and educators.

Key Caractéristiques:

  • Next.js: Utilize the power of server-side rendering and routing for efficient performance and SEO optimization.
  • Tailwind CSS: A highly customizable and utility-first CSS framework that ensures your website looks great and remains responsive across various screen sizes.
  • TypeScript: Enhance the development process by adding strong typing to your JavaScript code, making it more robust and maintainable.
  • Email.js 3.11.0: Simplify sending emails with this library, ensuring effective communication with users, and handling notifications or updates.
  • React Tabler Icons 2.39.0: A comprehensive set of icons that adds a visually pleasing and informative touch to your interface.
  • Next 13.4.19: Stay up to date with the latest version of Next.js, benefiting from its improvements and new features.
  • React 18.2.0: Use the latest version of React to build dynamic and interactive user interfaces efficiently.
  • React Animate Height 3.2. Animate elements on your website with smooth transitions, enhancing the user experience and engagement.
  • React Countup 6.4. Add animated number counters to showcase statistics, progress, or achievements.
  • React Toastify 9.1.3: Provide notifications, alerts, and feedback to users with this user-friendly library.
  • Swiper 10.3.1: Create interactive and responsive sliders and carousels for showcasing courses, content, or images.
  • Tailwind CSS 3.3.3: Stay updated with the latest version of Tailwind CSS, benefiting from improved utility classes and features.
  • TypeScript 5.2. Leverage the power of TypeScript to build a robust and maintainable codebase, reducing errors and enhancing code quality.

This template is a powerful foundation for developing an e-learning platform that delivers a smooth user experience, intuitive navigation, and eye-catching design. Utilizing these technologies and libraries will help you create an online education platform that caters to the needs of both learners and educators.

What do you get?

  • Full source code of the template
  • All React component files
  • Supporting CSS files
  • All plugins & libraries
  • Proper Documentation
  • 24/7 Support

advImage :

Images incluses : No
Extrait : ;s:20

Create a modern E-Learning website with Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and TypeScript. Caractéristiques email.js, React icons, and animation libraries for an engaging user experience.

Famille de produit : None
template-icon : icon-monster_dark
Types : : HTML Website Templates ;
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