Sujet : : Business & Services
: marketplace-membership : One
Tags : y2k
author_user_id : 2321769
isFree : none
isLastAdded : 1
Nom du template : : Creative Y2k CV Resume Pack
: Preview screens or video URLs : 6: 
Description : As a professional in your field, you'll need a professional design for your resume/curriculum vitae (CV). In this template, we provide you with highly clean and creative templates for your needs. If you're a teacher,.engineer, business person, or someone who needs a modern template, then you come to the right place, the suitable template. Don't worry if you need the cover letter as well that matches the resume, we will also provide it for you!
Key Caractéristiques
- A4 Size with 3 mm Bleed
- 3 in 1 CV, Matching Cover Letter, and Portfolio
- Using Free Fonts
- Easy to Edit
- Compatible with Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop
- Clean & Professional
What's Inside
- 3 AI Files
- 3 EPS Files
- 3 PSD Files
- Help File Documentation
Type de Graphiques : Raster
Compatibilité : Adobe Photoshop
Fichiers Inclus : AI
Extrait : y2k classic resume cv curriculum vitae cover letter professional job creative minimal simple clean corporate introduction
Famille de produit : None
template-icon : icon-resume
Types : Resume Templates ;