Sujet : Culture
: marketplace-membership : One
Tags : kids water bottle
author_user_id : 78103926
image-key-features : 7: 
isFree : none
isLastAdded : 1
Nom du template : Desert and Island Icons Pack | AI | SVG | EPS
Description : Desert and Island Icons Pack | AI | SVG | EPS
We are providing you some vector icons of a desert and island. For the desert icon, consist with Turtle, Bumbershoot, Cherry blossom, Snake face, Bonfire, Tropical flower, flip flop, Skin care, Aquatic animal, Guitar, Field ball, Scuba, Ice cone, Frozen food, Peach tree, Frozen food, Boat, Kids water bottle, Bikini, bra and Baggage icon, you can use it in any project related desert and island project.. .
This Icon Set is composed with
- Different Formats: AI, EPS, PDF, PNG, SVG, JPG Formats
- In Line Version, You will finnd Stroke and without Stroke Icons.
- PNG and SVG of every single icon available
- Layered and Grouped.
- You can Modify and resize easily.
- You can change colors or style easily
- 48×48, 64×64, 128×128, 256×256, 512×512, PNG Format of every single icon available in this pack
advImage : 
Type de Graphiques : Vector
Icon Styles : Outline
Compatibilité : Corel Draw
Fichiers Inclus : AI
Extrait : We are providing you some vector icons of a desert and island. For the desert icon, consist with Turtle, Bumbershoot, Cherry blossom, Snake face, Bonfire, Tropical flower, flip flop and other icons
Famille de produit : None
template-icon : icon-monster_dark
Types : Icon Sets ;