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Kit graphique 309331 Info:
Référence:   309331
Type: Maquettes de produits
Auteur: GraphicVil
Date de Création: 2023-01-18
Téléchargements: 0

Sources disponibles:

Logiciels requis:
Présent dans les catégories:
Décoration & Mobilier
Styles: Divers Modèles Web

Prix:   24.00€   Prix Exclusif : 1934.00€

Rechercher des Templates sur les mots clés :
square souris tampon mockup souris tampon mockup design mockup template presentation mockup marque mockup

Logo template Preview
Kit Graphique #309331 Square Souris Divers Modèles Web - Logo template Preview


Sujet : : Design & Photography
: marketplace-membership : One
Tags : prototype mockup
author_user_id : 78173258
image-key-features :

isFree : none
isLastAdded : 1

Nom du template : Mouse Pad Mockup with Different Objects
: Preview screens or video URLs :

Description :


Different PSD

Completely customizable mock-ups. (Layered PSD files)

Easy to edit.

100% Photoshop

High resolution

Different angles

Help folder

24/7 support: graphicvil [!at]

This product is a great mock-up for any kind of usage such as portfolios, client presentations, artwork showcase, ui/ux cases and many more.


The mockup works with 3D smart object.

Minimum Adobe Photoshop CC2016 (some versions of CC2015). Latest versions are with errors while using the 3D features, so Adobe support recommend using Photoshop version 22.2 (from February 2021) if you need more stable performance with Photoshop’s 3D features.

Check if your Adobe Photoshop have 3D menu.

Mac and Windows users, please make sure to set up your PS settings by following the steps below:

Preferences Technology Previews, and check the item Deactivate Native Canvas, then restart Photoshop.

This will fix the following issues:

Not able to see the entire PSD in PS.

Not able to change the 3D start object.

After opening a PSD file, you are able to see only the layers in the Layer Panel and nothing else.

Below you will read what you can change:

Smart objects

Reflection: Up to 3 Different reflections

Specular light

Main light effect

Z depth pass

Color: you can pick any color you need


Background: all the objects are transparent

Created for professional usage, very detailed and great for designers. Great for web design, landing pages, app and mobile design. Handy for professional commercial and also freelance or even personal presentations. This is a must for designers, entrepreneurs, startups and students. View the product screenshots for more details. The devices are made in high resolution and high quality which means you can use it for any kind of work.

How to use:

0 - Open the READ ME file for better details.

1 - Open downloaded files inside Photoshop CS 5 and above.

2 - Locate layers called (Your work). Double Click it.

3 - A new panel will open with the screen in blue. Place your own artwork/images on the current photoshop tab/screen.

4 - Click to close this window and when asked if you want to save, click Save.

5 - Now your design/image/artwork will be visible on your object.

6 - Choose the object you want to use, move it, scale it, adjust it as you like.

7 - Once you're happy with the results, you are done. To change the image again just repeat the same steps. It's very easy!

Thank you for your time and do not forget we are always ready to help you with our mock-ups!

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advImage :

Type de Graphiques : Raster
Compatibilité : Adobe Photoshop
Fichiers Inclus : PSD
Famille de produit : None
template-icon : icon-product-mockup
Types : Product Mockups ;
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