Sujet : : Business & Services
: marketplace-membership : One
Tags : winter
Caractéristiques : : Search Engine Friendly
author_user_id : 78086583
isFree : none
isLastAdded : 1
livePreviewURL : :
Nom du template : Wecast - Weather Forecast Website with React + NextJS + TailwindCSS
Description : Wecast - Weather forecast website with React + NextJS + TailwindCSS
Do you have any interest in beginning a blog relating to the weather? You have successfully reached the right destination. Introducing Wecast is a website template that was developed using React and is intended to be used for the creation of websites that provide weather predictions. The loading speed of this website was significantly improved using NextJS with React 17. Every picture has been enhanced to load quickly. This template is a fantastic choice for usage in projects that are analogous to others, such as the development of a weather blog, news websites, weather radars, and other comparable endeavors. It is the perfect combination of a design that is both visually beautiful and functional. This high-quality template was designed specifically for use on the websites of firms that provide purified water or clean water to their customers. The fact that it is both aesthetically pleasing and functionally superior is one of its key selling points. This theme was developed with the intention of achieving a high level of performance across a variety of platforms, including social networking websites and search engines, which are often acknowledged to be the top two drivers of website traffic. If you choose this specific template for your website, the navigation will be easy for visitors to understand, the content structure will be properly planned, and the coding will be accurate. This will result in your website being more attractive to visitors.
This Wecast template is very user-friendly and up-to-date, making it an outstanding option for the website of your weather blog or for reporting on predictions. Coding that is not just reliable but also straightforward and easy to modify. Wecast comes with a contact form that is fully functional, source code that has been well commented and is readily modifiable, and substantial documentation. The modification and use of templates is made possible by these functionalities.
- Built with ReactJS (no jQuery)
- Fast Loading Speed
- Nextjs Implementation
- Clean translucent Navbar and Gradient
- Social Media Icons
- Friendly and Smooth Animations
- Well Documented
- Cross-Browser Compatibilité
- TailwindCSS v3 styling
React Caractéristiques
- Built with ReactJS (no jQuery)
- React Hooks
- Smart Folder Structure
- Optimized Next Images
- Domains Protection
- Simple and Lightweight code
- Built with ReactJS (no jQuery)
- ReactJS
- NextJS
- Google Fonts
- React Icons
- TailwindCSS
- SwiperJS
- framer-motion
- Formik & yup
advImage : 
Images incluses : No
Famille de produit : None
template-icon : icon-monster_dark
Types : : HTML Website Templates ;