Sujet : : Computers & Internet
: marketplace-membership : One
Tags : startups service
Caractéristiques : : Search Engine Friendly
author_user_id : 78086583
isFree : none
isLastAdded : 1
livePreviewURL : :
Nom du template : Akatech - IT Solution & Business Service website + NextJS + TailwindCSS
Description : Akatech - IT Solution & Business Service website + NextJS + TailwindCSS
Is it your goal to create a top-notch IT solutions and commercial services website? Akatech is an excellent IT solutions template built on the React framework. Designed to aid in the introduction of a fantastic website for your innovative technological endeavors.
Supplying Business and IT Solutions Akatech, go no further than the Website React Template by TailwindCSS. The whole layout consists of 13 pages. This template is suitable for IT Solutions, IT Services, IT Business, Cybersecurity, Consulting, SaaS & Software, Digital Solutions, Technical Engineering, Technology, and Services Company websites fit akatech. Modifying code is easy. TailwindCSS offers professional, pixel-perfect, and clean modern layouts for almost any website need.
It automatically adjusts to the resolution of your device, looking great no matter what screen you're using! This version of React is optimized for the specific requirements of companies, agencies, and startups who develop software, websites, and mobile apps.
Akatech includes a functioning contact form, well-commented, readily configurable source code, and thorough documentation. These capabilities enable template modification and usage.
- Built with ReactJS (no jQuery)
- Fast Loading Speed
- Nextjs Implementation
- Clean translucent Navbar and Gradient
- Social Media Icons
- Friendly and Smooth Animations
- Well Documented
- Cross-Browser Compatibilité
- TailwindCSS v3 styling
React Caractéristiques
- React Hooks
- Smart Folder Structure
- Optimized Next Images
- Domains Protection
- Simple and Lightweight code
- ReactJS
- NextJS
- Google Fonts
- React Icons
- TailwindCSS
- SwiperJS
- framer-motion
- Formik & yup
advImage : 
Images incluses : No
Famille de produit : None
template-icon : icon-monster_dark
Types : : HTML Website Templates ;