Sujet : Gym
: marketplace-membership : One
Tags : elementor
WordPress Builder : : Elementor Website Builder
Caractéristiques : Website Builder
: wordpress-compatibility : 5.7.x
Compatible with : Revolution Slider
: wordpress-com-compatibility : Not Compatible
author_user_id : 78118777
image-key-features : 
isFree : none
isLastAdded : 1
livePreviewURL :
Nom du template : RealGym - Fitness and Gym Wordpress Theme
Description : RealGym WordPress Theme is for Gym and Fitness with its unique design and powerful elements that make RealGym impressive.RealGym is very easy to install and customize. RealGym is built on Elementor WordPress Page Builder no coding skills are required. RealGym has custom-built widgets with multi-styles that make your website good-looking and personalize to your needs. For example, Fitness Class Timetable, Class Schedules, BMI Calculator, Team Sliders, Pricing plans, Testimonials slider widgets and Success Story lists that enhances the functionality to meet the needs of Gym, BodyBuilding, Yoga, Cardio, Powerlifting, and Fitness.
- Elementor Page Builder
- Elementor Custom Built Widgets
- Revolution Slider
- Success Story
- 100% Fully Responsive fits any screen.
- Contact Form 7 forms
- BMI Calculator widget
- Class Timetable
- Class Schedules
- MailChimp Newsletter forms
- Simple & Modern Design
- Retina Ready
- Demo import Content, Widgets, and more...
- HTML5 & CSS3
- 404 pages included
- One Click Demo Import
- Custom Build Advanced Theme Options & Page Options
- Cross-browser Compatible
- Google Fonts Supported
- Flaticon icons integrated
- Built with Bootstrap 5
- Well-documented with video and text documentation
- And Much More…
Sourse & Credits
- Elementor Page Builder
- Gutenberg Template and Pattern Library & Redux Framework
- MC4WP.Mailchimp for WordPress
- WordPress Importer
- Slider Revolution
- Bootstrap
- Jquery
- Unsplash
- Flaticon
- Pexels
Minimal System Requirements
- PHP: Version 7.4 or higher
- Uploads folder writable
- WP File System
- ZipArchive
- PHP Memory Limit: (256MB )
- PHP max_exucation_time (1000)
- PHP max_input_vars (2000)
- PHP upload_max_filesize 64M
Licenses: Flaticon Icons we have a proper license from Flaticon
Documentation: We have prepared well-detailed documentation. It will be included in the download package.
advImage : 
Images incluses : Yes
Extrait : ;s:20 RealGym WordPress Theme is for Gym and Fitness with its unique design and powerful elements that make RealGym impressive.RealGym is very easy to install and customize.
Famille de produit : None
template-icon : icon-wordpress
Types : WordPress Themes ;