Sujet : Makeup Artist
: marketplace-membership : One
Tags : cosmetics shop
Caractéristiques : Team Members
author_user_id : 2277439
isFree : none
isLastAdded : 1
Nom du template : Mixlax - Beauty Spa Wellness PSD Template
Description : 69: Mixlax - Beauty Spa Wellness PSD Template
The Mixlax is an exquisite and attractive PSD template sketched for hair salon, wellness center, yoga/meditation classes, and all other health care businesses. Each and every section created with a fresh and modernistic look to expose the view of your services, treatments and their benefits in a charming view.
On the appearance side, we have carefully chosen the smartest fonts “Dancing Script, Cormorant, Open Sans” and winning colors to emphasize the chic and smart look for the Mixlax. So with this colorful and focus oriented design, you can make your works look more impressive and attractive to viewers as you desire in a tiny time. Notably, you can easily edit all the templates effortlessly with Adobe Photoshop without any quality sacrifice.
PSD Files
- Home 1;
- Home 2;
- Home 3;
- About Us;
- Services;
- Team;
- Appointment;
- Case Study;
- Caractéristiques;
- Pricing;
- Contact;
- Faq;
- Service Details;
- Portfolio Details;
- Team Details;
- News Details;
- 404 Page;
- Shop Grid;
- Shop List;
- Shop Details;
Kindly Note: Pictures are for preview purposes only. They are inculded in the download files. If you want to use them you should buy the license of the pictures or delete them from your project.
advImage : 
Images incluses : Yes
Famille de produit : None
template-icon : icon-psd
Types : PSD Templates ;