Sujet : Vehicle
: marketplace-membership : One
Tags : sci fi
3D Compatibilité : ZBrush
3D Fichiers Inclus : unitypackage
Polygon Count : 88590
3D Caractéristiques : Rigged
author_user_id : 2382944
image-key-features : 
isFree : none
isLastAdded : 1
Nom du template : Battle Spaceship Essenor-Rigged 3D Models
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Description : 50: __Desc._____________ Sci-fi Battle Spaceship equipped with weapons. It has 3 Engine Exhaust at back, Deck room opening Ramp door and a inside door, Rotating side engine, Rotating Booster exhaust Engine, A pair of Cannon at top, a pair of multi barrel cannon at bottom, multiple rockets/ missiles at bottom, Two pair of cannon in engines. The Ship is rigged and properly skinned for animation. Provided the a Blend File, High quality textures, FBX file (For Unity and Unreal Engine) to export to Game Engine.
__Mesh_____________ Total 8 meshes. Ship Body, Deck room, Engine, Rotating Booster, 4 Ship mounted weapons. A laser added with no texture, only internal blender shader. Parts of meshes invisible from outside are removed for better game engine optimization. Meshes have Clean professional UV layout with Quad dominant faces. UV maps are professionally unwrapped and packed. Non-overlapping UV unwrapped topology on only the first two meshes mentioned above. All mesh has Catmull–Clark Subdivision surface modifier compatible for fine smoothing of mesh. Total mesh resolution: 88590 Polys / 90292 Verts/ 170552 Tris. 81962 Quad faces, 6628 Triangle faces. Quad percentage 92.5%.
__PBR Textures______ All mesh have its own procedurally made PBR texture set for customization. All texture set contains Albedo/Diffuse map, Ambient Occlusion Map, Metallic Map, Roughness Map, Normal Map, Height Map. Emission Map for non-weapon parts. Texture resolutions are 2K, 4K, 8K px according to mesh size. Format is EXR(Linear color mode) for Highest quality.
__FBX Format________ Exported in FBX Format for Unity and Unreal Engine FBX format. Contains rigs. The second clip in demo Video demonstrates all rig controls.
__Blender Package___ Rigged(Custom Rig controllers) Model in Blender 2.90 Packed with Textures (Half Resolution of original sizes in JPG, PNG for Normal, EXR for Height). For offline rendering Catmull–Clark Subdivision can be added on all meshes.
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Types : 3D Models ;