Sujet : Classical
: marketplace-membership : One
Tags : thoughtful
author_user_id : 18178287
isFree : none
isLastAdded : 1
lastmod : : 2022-03-18T00:16:52-04:00
Nom du template : Romantic Emotional Reflections - Stock Music
Description : ;s:107 - Nostalgic, passionate, and sentimental piano track with gentle guitars. Beautiful and dramatic melodies played with an expressive touch will evoke feelings of love and inspiration.
- Best for sweet nostalgic moments like wedding montages, dreamy moments, marriage picture slideshow, film, reflective videos, powerful commercials, Christian projects, charity video campaigns, valentine´s day video, tearful, thoughtful, emotional stories, contemplative adverts with a lot of deep emotional meaning.
Comes in two main versions:
- the full mix
- piano solo version
There are also edits: 60 sec, 30 sec, and a loop.
Track lengths: 1:51, 1:51, 1:07, 1:00, 0:30
Tempo (BPM) : : Very slow (0 - 60 BPM)
audioFile :
Vocals : : Instrumental Included
Audio Fichiers Inclus : WAV
Main Track Length : 1:51
Famille de produit : None
template-icon : icon-monster_dark
Types : Stock Music ;