Sujet : Home Inspector
: marketplace-membership : None
Tags : real estate
WordPress Builder : : Elementor Website Builder
Caractéristiques : Responsive
: wordpress-compatibility : 5.2.x
: wordpress-com-compatibility : Not Compatible
author_user_id : 1646587
image-key-features : 
isFree : none
isLastAdded : 1
lastmod : : 2022-02-28T13:33:09-05:00
livePreviewURL : /
Nom du template : Real Estate Directory Kit PRO for WordPress
: Preview screens or video URLs : 
Description : 66: Real Estate Directory Kit is a complete solution for Real Estate Agencies or marketplace websites for WordPress. Contains theme, plugins, clearly written docs and videos to build and run your Real Estate Directory Website.
We bring special attention to visual building and modifications without coding knowledge with Elementor Page Builder.
Main plugin with all features is WPDirectoryKit, this plugin is very minimalistic and clean written by latest coding standards, what provide better performance and fast loading website then competition products.
Everything visible on demo is included in package.
FREE version also available if you want to try them first.
Why to chose Real Estate Directory Kit?
- Cooming with a nice WordPress Theme and All needed plugins in the bundle, no need for additional purchases!
- Best if you use it with an included theme, but also possible to use only plugins with any other theme
- Demo content import with a single click!
- Free Open Street Maps Support
- Agent profiles and their page supported
- Booking Caractéristiques With iCal import/export support, sync with Airbnb or a similar portal
- Custom fields support visual management and positioning on frontend
- All pages are designed in Elementor so you can easily modify them visually
- Frontend Dashboard, so your user will not even know you using WordPress
- Listings Import with visual XML/CSV elements to fields mapping and Export
- Multi-Currency support with synced exchange rates
- Results Card visual designer
- Search Form visual designer
- Multi-criteria reviews for Listings and Agents
- Messaging System
- Favorites
- Energy Efficiency graphs support
- Mortgage/Loan Calculator
- Profile picture uploader
- RTL supported, so suitable for any world language and currency
- Translatable with Loco Translate plugin
advImage : 
Images incluses : Yes
Famille de produit : None
template-icon : icon-wordpress
Types : WordPress Themes ;