Sujet : : Education & Books
: marketplace-membership : One
Tags : course sell
Caractéristiques : Team Members
author_user_id : 12666616
isFree : none
isLastAdded : 1
lastmod : : 2022-02-17T1 58:17-05:00
livePreviewURL :
Nom du template : Biddaloy - Education & LMS HTML5 and TailwindCSS Template
: Preview screens or video URLs : 
Description : Biddaloy is an education management system made with the latest modern TailwindCSS framework. You can build any Online learning platform, University, Workshop, College, School, Kindergarten, Course hub, or any kind of educational institution website with this template easily. With this template, you can easily manage your organization, institution, or any educational system.
Biddaloy contains 3+ beautiful unique Home page designs and 25+ other pages including book store teachers' profiles and much more. Our template is easier to use and customize. Your website will look good on any device like mobile, tab, laptop, or computer.
What you can make with this template
- Any Education management system
- University website
- Online learning platform
- Digital Course lab
- Bookselling store
- Workshop website
- Collage website
- Kindergarten website
- Institute website
- Online Institute
Biddaloy Main features
- Build any Education management system
- Latest modern framework TailwindCSS
- Easier to use
- Highly customizable
- 3+ Unique awesome home pages
- 25+ Other beautiful pages
- Fully responsive design
Biddaloy All features
- The latest modern framework TailwindCSS
- Well written and clean code
- Easier to use
- Highly customizable
- 3+ Unique awesome home pages
- 25+ Other beautiful pages
- Lots of variety in design
- Highly optimized design
- Good color contrast
- Good looking colorful design
- Standard colors
- Standard design
- Beautiful Sliders
- Great Shop
- Nice Store
- Awesome Blog pages
- Mobile friendly
- Sidebar menu
- Neat and clean code
- Well commented code
Biddaloy Build with
- CSS3
- JavaScript
- TailwindCSS - a modern utility framework
- Google Fonts
- W3 validated code
- Glid slider - a modern slider
- Lots of love
- TailwindCSS
- Glid slider
- Google Fonts
- Fontawesome icon
- Freepik
- Unsplash
Biddaloy Support:
We are always here to help you. We are available 24/7. If you have any problem or question, don't hesitate to tell us about it. You can contact us anytime we will respond to you right away.
advImage :
Images incluses : Yes
Famille de produit : None
template-icon : icon-monster_dark
Types : : HTML Website Templates ;