Sujet : Graphics
: marketplace-membership : One
Tags : vector
author_user_id : 28570904
isFree : none
isLastAdded : 1
lastmod : : 2021-10-20T11:57:10-04:00
Nom du template : Dia De Los Muertos Illustration
Description : File Included :
The Day of the Dead is a holiday celebrated on the 1st and 2nd of November. It originated and is mostly observed in Mexico but also in other places, especially by people of Mexican heritage elsewhere.
Date: Tuesday, November 2, 2021
Celebrations: Creation of altars to remember the dead, traditional dishes for the Day of the Dead
Significance: Prayer and remembrance of friends and family members who have died
advImage : 
Type de Graphiques : Vector
Compatibilité : Adobe Illustrator
Fichiers Inclus : EPS
Famille de produit : None
template-icon : icon-illustrations
Types : Illustrations ;