Sujet : Magazine
: marketplace-membership : One
Tags : : bootstrap 4 news template
Caractéristiques : Tabs
author_user_id : 22682383
Bootstrap Version : 4.5.x
image-key-features : 
isFree : none
isLastAdded : 1
lastmod : : 2022-03-15T04:1 44-04:00
livePreviewURL :
Nom du template : Bn News - Magazine & Blog Bootstrap Website template
review_average_score : 5
Description : Bn News - Magazine & Blog Bootstrap Template
Bn News - Multipurpose Modern Bootstrap 4 Template has an elegant and modern design, it can present a lot of content in a different and distinctive way and at the same time, it contains a responsive design due to a large group of user interface elements as this template is fully adjustable or any part of it easily as CSS3 technology was used to produce animations And the distinctive navigation menu to help you with this task, if the need arises, and you can add more elements and parts to create a news website, magazine or blog, even in a way that suits your media activity, and you can use a distinguished set of these feature
- Based on Twitter Bootstrap 4
- HTML5 Validated
- Responsive Template
- Font Awesome icons
- Google Web Fonts
- Contact Form
- Documentation
- Easy to customize
advImage : 
Images incluses : No
Famille de produit : None
template-icon : icon-monster_dark
Types : : HTML Website Templates ;