Sujet : Weapon
: marketplace-membership : One
Tags : horor
author_user_id : 14401337
isFree : none
lastmod : : 2021-05-25T23:50:21-04:00
Nom du template : Guns and Bomb War Sound in Battle Sound Effects
Description : This is a war sound.
It’s an easier matter to describe these sounds than to endure them, because one cannot but associate every single sound of flying steel with the idea of death, and so I huddled in my hole in the ground with my hand in front of my face, imagining all the possible variants of being hit. I think I have found a comparison that captures the situation in which I and all the other soldiers who took part in this war so often found ourselves: you must imagine you are securely tied to a post, being menaced by a man swinging a heavy hammer. Now the hammer has been taken back over his head, ready to be swung, now it’s cleaving the air towards you, on the point of touching your skull, then it’s struck the post, and the splinters are flying — that’s what it’s like to experience heavy shelling in an exposed position.
audioFile :
Audio Fichiers Inclus : MP3
Main Track Length : 00:15
Famille de produit : None
Types : Sound Effects ;