: marketplace-membership : One
Tags : play doh
Video Type : : Intros & Openers
author_user_id : 2267756
image-key-features : ;s:5 
isFree : none
lastmod : : 2021-02-23T07:46:09-05:00
Nom du template : Childhood Memory After Effects Template
Description : Funny Kids Slideshow After Effects template is a very beautiful way for new parents to introduce their newborn baby to the world. Elegantly animated with smooth text animations and clean transitions. Including 21 image/video placeholders and 14 editable text layers. the Perfect way to display your baby shower photos, first steps, favorite clothes, best toy, birthdays, vacations, holidays, events and special occasions. Create a special, heart warming and memorable video that you and your kids can share in the many years to come. Available in HD. Just drag and drop your media and change text, then you are ready to render. Easy to understand video tutorial included where I have covered how to use this template easily.
After Effects CS4, CS5, CS5.5, CS6 and CC
• RESOLUTION : 1920x1080p(30fps)
• PLACEHOLDER: 21 Images/Videos and 14 Text holders
• PLUG-INS : No plug-ins required
• TUTORIAL : Easy to understand video tutorial included
Not included:
1) Music is not included
2) Images are not included.
3) The font is not included. (Any font can be used)
ExcludeExclusive : Yes
Resolution : HD (1080)
advImage : ;s:5 
videoFile : ;s:6
Main Track Length : 1:37
: After Effects Version : After Effects CS4
Video Fichiers Inclus : After Effects Files
Famille de produit : None
Types : : After Effects Templates ;