Sujet : : Business & Services
: marketplace-membership : One
Tags : pr
author_user_id : 2158570
lastmod : : 2020-07-20T23:50:20-04:00
Nom du template : : Cloud PPT PowerPoint template
: Preview screens or video URLs : 4: 
Description : This ‘Cloud PPT’ template is designed using cloud images with abstract and arcane looks.
This template can be used for general purposes, and the two different color themes of blue and red will enable you to choose the color theme that best fits with your presentation needs.
This simple and modern style PowerPoint template is created for even those who are not used to making presentation materials on PowerPoint to use easily. Inner slides contain various simple and neat visual elements such as diagram, graphs, text boxes, maps, tables and etc. In addition, the last slide contains various icon images which can be used in your presentation. The photo images included on cover slide, table of contents and ending slides can be simply exchanged with other photo images and the colors of icons can be modified as well within PowerPoint.
- 80 slides (standard, wide; 40 each type)
- PPTX files
- All elements, colors, shapes and charts can be modified and edited easily
- Slide Size: Standard(4:3) & Wide(16:9)
Thank you and we hope you make the best use out of our templates!
Any comments and questions are welcome, so please feel free to speak out!
Images incluses : Yes
isFree : none
Famille de produit : None
template-icon : icon-powerpoint
Types : PowerPoint Templates ;