Sujet : Cinematic
: marketplace-membership : One
author_user_id : 2303390
lastmod : : 2020-07-14T23:50:04-04:00
Nom du template : Uplifting Cinematic Trailer - Audio Track
Description : Epic Heroic – Heroic cinematic trailer for intense blockbusters, games and gaming, youtube videos, Hollywood projects, tv spots, battle scenes, action movie and war videos.
Will be good for intro cinema, company branding, films and advert.
Tempo (BPM) : : Upbeat (110 - 140 BPM)
advImage :
audioFile : 6: Vocals : Background Vocals
Audio Fichiers Inclus : WAV
Main Track Length
isFree : none
Famille de produit : None
template-icon : icon-monster_dark
Types : Stock Music ;