Sujet : Funk Groove
: marketplace-membership : One
author_user_id : 2303017
lastmod : : 2021-01-13T14:3 40-05:00
Nom du template : : Sweet Seduction - Audio Track
Description : Sensual and erotic lounge music track with a seductive and sexy vibe. Featuring rhodes piano, emotional guitar licks and solos, piano, deep and warm bass guitar and laid back drum beat. Great for erotic videos, sex and nudity scenes in films and documentaries and as a background for intimate moments in life.
Tempo (BPM) : Slow (60 - 90 BPM)
audioFile : Vocals : : Instrumental Included
Audio Fichiers Inclus : WAV
Main Track Length
isFree : none
Famille de produit : None
template-icon : icon-monster_dark
Types : Stock Music ;